The world's leading interactive database for high-quality, evaluated phase diagrams and related constitutional data. New Search Interface, modern functionalities, continuously updated content, multiple material classes.

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Discover MSI Eureka

MSI Eureka is the world's leading interactive database for high-quality, evaluated phase diagrams and related constitutional data. It is created and maintained with the efforts of a large international team MSIT®.

  • the world’s largest source of evaluated phase diagrams, over 4600 systems.
  • largest bibliographic data base on materials constitution, over 501,400 entries related to over 76,690 systems.
  • interactive functionalities to visualise and analyse phase diagrams.
Buy License

There are two ways to purchase a license for MSI Eureka:

Multi-user license: purchase a
Opens internal link in current windowSite License Subscription to your library.
Subscriptions are the economic alternatives for multi-user environments, universities, consortia, enterprises and others.

Single-user license: purchase by credit card in Opens internal link in current windowMSI Eureka E-shop.
This allows single users to access knowledge on phase diagrams immediately!

Access MSI Eureka

is the interface software to MSI Eureka, free for download

  - for site licenses
  - for single-user licenses
_____________________________ is a web interface to the MSI Eureka data bases. This option is availabe for the site-license subscribers of MSI Eureka.

Non-subscribers may profit from having preview of the documents in MSI Eureka Content.