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Links to Literature

Links to Phase Diagram Literature results
Phase Diagram Literature citation Bibliography

The bibliogrpahic data base "Links to Literature" covering now over 77,620 systems with over 508,520 bibliographic citations, making the link between a material system and all the publications where data are reported, for each individual system! MSIT continually reads & analyses the world literature and selects all publications with information relevant to materials constitution or related properties, for all inorganic systems (except salts):

  • unaries
  • binaries
  • ternaries
  • quaternaries
  • higher order component systems

The bibliographic data base "Links to Literature" covers practically all relevant publications from 1830 up to the present, providing a valuable and constantly growing information source. Element combinations not listed within the category "Links to Literature" most likely have never been studied.

Description of a bibliographic citation is shown below:

Description of a bibliographic citation