MSI offers engineering and scientific consulting services related to materials dominated problems for industrial clients and assists large scale research programs world wide. Supported by MSIT.

Free Tools and Tutorials

On these pages MSI is offering Free-of-Charge Tools in order to support scientists.


MSI Graphics Editor, the premier software for creating phase diagrams and scientific graphs with ease. Developed by MSI GmbH.


„The critical assessment of ternary alloy phase diagram data” - unpublished article of Alan Prince - an absolutely essential collection of practical and theoretical tips for those making critical evaluation of phase diagram data. This unique paper is made available with kind permission of Mrs. Sheila Prince.

Alloy Phase Equilibria written by Alan Prince and published in 1966 by Elsevier. Here, it is made available online in its original form without re-editing, as provided by B. Legendre and J. Musso (France), to grant the scientific community and students access to this precious document. This has been done with the kind permission of both Mrs. Sheila Prince and of the publisher Elsevier.
Alan Prince, "Alloy Phase Equilibria", Elsevier, 290 pp (1966) ISBN 978-0444404626

Opens internal link in current windowThermoChemTool written by Eckehard Fromm; Max-Planck Institute for Metals Research and member of MSIT.

More tools are coming!

In case you have suggestions or a software to offer please contact us at:

Warning: All tools, data and tutorials are provided without any warranty. Although done with care and dedication, neither authors nor MSI GmbH  guarantee their correctness or applicability for any specific application.