REGISTRATION IS OPEN: 12-13 November 2024, Stuttgart, Germany - "Seminar on Rare-Earth Materials & Magnet Technology"
16-21.02.25 Ebernburg, Germany
MSIT Advanced School
9th MSIT Winter School
39th MSIT Annual Workshop
Volume 22 “Refractory Material Systems for Industrial Applications” has been published in April 2024. Eds. H.J. Seifert & K.C. Hari Kumar.
MoreMorematerals database with the focus on phase diagrams of inorganic materials. Data release 101: over 521,000 entries in total!
MoreMoreEngineering and scientific consulting services related to materials dominated problems for industrial clients.
MoreMoreMSIT®, Materials Science Intl. Team is a scientific network of experts in materials constitution & thermodynamics, since 1984.
MoreMoreTool for joint working on complex projects for remote teams. Retains all results & documents, also retrospectively.
MoreMoreMSI offers engineering and scientific consulting services related to materials dominated problems for industrial clients and assists large scale research programs world wide.
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Materials Science International Services is a global research & publishing company in the field of materials science.
MSI Eureka is the knowledgebase on materials constitution, i.e. phase diagrams, crystal structures, thermodynamics and related constitutional data for alloys, non-metals, composites.
MSIT, Materials Science International Team is a global team of experts in materials constitution and its applications, collaborating for over 38 years in phase diagram evaluation work with MSI.
Seminar on Rare Earth Materials & Magnet Technology, 12 - 13 November 2024, Stuttgart
Global sourcing & supply, latest economic developments & global geopolitical aspects in magnetics markets & technologies.
The Volume 21 “Selected Al-Fe-X Ternary Systems for Industrial Applications” is published in November 2022 as printed edition. Editors: Frank Stein and Martin Palm. Authors: MSIT®.
9th MSIT Winter School on Materials Chemistry
16 - 21 February 2025, Castle Ebernburg, Germany
A unique opportunity to learn from the experts the techniques that are important in understanding phase equilibria, thermodynamics and closely associated subjects.
Alloy Phase Diagram International Commission
APDIC is a council of members who maintain major phase diagram activities. The APDIC members perform their individual programs independently and meet at APDIC meetings to exchange and coordinate their activities.