The world's leading interactive database for high-quality, evaluated phase diagrams and related constitutional data. New Search Interface, modern functionalities, continuously updated content, multiple material classes.

Publisher & Title

MSI, Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany


ISSN: 2702-2412

Language: English

Publication frequency: new publications are released at least 4 times per year, on a quarterly base.

How to cite MSI Eureka publications:

Each full-text document in MSI-Eureka contains a link "cite as", giving exactly all details of the publication.

Citations are built following the below scheme:
Authors’ names, “A-B-C Phase Diagram Evaluation”, in MSI Eureka, EDITOR (Effenberg, G. or Watson, A., see below) (Ed.), MSI, Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany (YEAR), Document ID: XXX.

Title history:

1997-1999: "Phase Diagram Explorer"
2000-2003: "MSIT Phase Diagram Center"
2003-2009: "MSIT Workplace"
from  2009: "MSI Eureka"

Editor in Chief:

1997-2019: Dr. Günter Effenberg

from 2020: Dr. Andrew Watson


Copyright ©: 2000-2020 MSI, Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany