1) MSI sends the copy-right transfer form to the authors, by email.
2) Authors return the signed copy-right transfer forms to MSI as soon as possible, by fax, email or post.
3) MSI opens on-line access to the bibliography collection. References are available in .html format and can be easily imported into the report template by the author.
4) Report templates can be requested from evaluation
5) For updating existing system reports MSI sends to the author the existing manuscripts in electronic form.
6) MSI provides to the author phase diagrams of the boundary binary systems, if available as evaluated by the MSIT Binary Evaluation Program or as recommened by the Editorial Board.
7) The author checks if the reference-list provided by MSI is complete.
8) The author adds missing references and searches the articles at the home library.
9) The author writes critical evaluation of the data according to Guidelines described in the Notes for Authors.
10) The author sends the manuscript (including figures) to MSI as soon as possible, before the deadline.
Diagrams will be redrawn by the MSI editorial office and may be delivered to MSI in any clearly readable, undistorted form; that might be electronic, hard-copies, scanned or hand-drawn.
11) A double-blind peer-review procedure at MSI is much stronger then usually for the orignal journal publications. MSI forwards the manuscript to the reviewer. Reviewers have at hand the same literature which was available and cited by the author. This allows reviewers to get deep insight in the materials system and to check the conclusions of the authors vs the original data, to ensure high quality of the manuscript.
12) The author makes revision of the manuscript according to the guiding remarks of the reviewer.
If required, a second review may be initiated by the editors.
13) MSI editorial office makes layout of the system report, when manuscript is accepted by the reviewer.
14) MSI sends the final version to the authors for approval.
15) The author sends the approval back as soon as possible.
16) Manuscript is published with the next release of MSI Eureka or in the next volume of Ternary Alloys book series.
At MSI, publishing is a team activity - coordinating and optimizing the knowledge not just of authors and reviewers, but also of editors, editorial board members, subject advisors.