MSI offers engineering and scientific consulting services related to materials dominated problems for industrial clients and assists large scale research programs world wide. Supported by MSIT, a broad range of expertise is employed, not limited to materials constitution and thermodynamics but covering a broad range of materials classes, applications and technologies.
Depending on the clients' problem MSI forms virtually organized task forces selected to meet the technological problem in case. Project meetings at the customer’s site are one way of Know How transfer.
MSI handles assignment from simple enquiries to long-term projects, as contract work or as partner in national or international research projects. The benefits you can expect are:
- reduced development costs
- improved efficiency
- better competitiveness
- in-sourcing of global knowledge
Amongst others MSI services may comprise:
Building customer specific information systems on materials constitution
Targeted bibliographic search and literature analysis;
Critical evaluation of constitutional data and phase diagrams, on request and up to date;
Installation of customized in-house information and knowledge systems for selected materials classes including continuous updating service and link to MSIT
Calculation and simulation of unknown phase configurations employing
Critical evaluation of boundary data (1900 - up to date)
Thermodynamic calculation, extrapolation and prediction of multicomponent equilibria by computer simulation & modeling
Verification of predicted events by experiments and generation of missing data
Application of results with additional (customer) expertise
Metallurgical engineering services
Metallographic examinations and services
Caloric measurements
Microstructure examination
Sample preparation and broad spectrum of property testing
Material selection, identification and analysis
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Optical Microscopy
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy
Light Element Detection