Scientific Projects, timely limited or ongoing performed as public research or customer directed contract work. Project participants can access secure areas of their projects through this section, go to My Workplace.
MSI offers engineering and scientific consulting services related to materials dominated problems for industrial clients and assists large scale research programs world wide.
Critical Intellectual Evaluation of Binary and
Ternary Alloy Systems
The mission of the MSIT® Evaluation Programs is to analyze all data, diagrams and phenomena for selected systems that provide information about the material’s constitution and how it changes with pressure, temperature and element concentrations. This relates to all binary and ternary inorganic materials systems, except for salts. The selection of systems follows customer priorities agreed with MSI.
The System Reports are published in MSI Eureka.
Customers with a subscription have access to phase diagram information on four levels of added value:
Should your institute wish to participate in the MSIT Evaluation Programs, or if you are part of a company / consortium wishing to use MSIT expertise within your own projects, please contact us.