Crystallography in Materials Science:
Towards a Unified View on Crystal Structure,
Microstructure and Thermodynamics
17 - 20 February 2025
Castle Ebernburg, Germany
organised by:
MSI, Materials Science International Services GmbH, Germany
Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Chairman: Prof. Andreas Leineweber
The next MSIT Advanced School will be held at Castle Ebernburg in Germany on 17th-20th of February 2025. Arrival day is the 17th of February 2025. The sessions of the Advanced School will begin on 18.02.2025 at 8:30 AM and will conclude at approximately 12:30 PM on Thursday, 20.02.2025.
Castle Ebernburg is located in a picturesque landscape of the wine region Pfalz (Nahe), easily accessible from the airport Frankfurt.
As implied by the title of the school, it will teach advanced knowledge in crystallography (symmetry) and diffraction, and will connect this knowledge to the fields of thermodynamics and microstructure.
This school is designed for researchers who recognize the relevance of working with crystal structures in their work. The intended audience includes postgraduates from chemistry, physics, materials science or crystallography, e.g. PhD students, academics, R&D specialists with some prior knowledge in crystallography (crystal chemistry, symmetry, diffraction analysis) and thermodynamics/phase diagrams.
A key emphasis of the program will be the crucial interplay between crystal structure, thermodynamics, and microstructure. Understanding these relationships is often essential for understanding a materials system under consideration.
The audience should bring sound initial knowledge in at least some of these areas, which will be further expanded throughout the course of the school.
IMPORTANT: The participants are encouraged to present their own scientific problems related to the topic of the school in short talks. This will be done in evening sessions in the presence of the participants and tutors, or privatissime with the tutors.
For any questions, please contact Dr. Svitlana Iljenko
iljenkomsiportcom; +49 (0)711 677 12 42