12 - 13 November 2024
Stuttgart, Germany, Parkhotel Stuttgart Messe-Airport
organised by:
MSI, Materials Science International Services GmbH, Germany Chairman: Dr. Bernd Grieb |
The MSIT Seminar on Rare-Earth (RE) Materials & Magnet Technology is a unique opportunity for professionals in management and technology to learn about the complete supply chain of magnetic materials: Resources of RE ores, mining, concentration, separating and transforming to RE oxides and metals, alloying to magnet powders and processing to all types of magnets.
We show global sourcing and supply, latest economic developments and global geopolitical aspects in magnetics markets and technologies. We explain the materials science behind the properties, technology and applications.
The seminar will be focused on permanent magnets and the supply of the raw materials. We will start with fundamentals of the RE elements and magnetism, the principals of RE permanent magnets chemistry, thermodynamics, and constitution, same as measurement techniques. Showing the processes from mine to magnet and recycling is the approach to close the circle for sustainability and environmental protection of Earth. Applications and the future of global markets will be shown, as well as new opportunities of global sourcing.
Everything about Magnets, Everywhere and All at Once! See the programme.
The event is intended for business and technology managers and employees from various
For example:
Business managers,
Research staff and research leaders,
Materials specialists,
Material manufacturer,
Production managers,
Application specialists,
Sales managers and staff,
Purchasing managers and staff,
Quality managers,
All magnet users, etc.
Our aim is to help improving communication between material manufacturers, magnet producers, design engineers and customers.
We are delighted to announce many of the world's best experts in magnet production and materials science as speakers at the Seminar on Rare-Earth Materials and Magnet Technology .
Conference language is English.
Photos from iStock.com/Oat_Phawat and from Gustavo Candido da Silva ,
Mika Baumeister on