Communities in

MSI portal offers home and visibility to communities active in materials chemistry. Presently it hosts the "Materials Science International Team" (MSIT) - global network of experts in materials constitution and the experimental & computer thermodynamics of materials.


Go to the Web-site of the Castle Ringberg

27th Annual MSIT Meeting

International Seminar on
Heterogeneous Multicomponent Equilibria



10 - 16 February 2013


Ringberg Castle, Germany


Materials Science International Services, GmbH, Stuttgart, Dr. G. Effenberg and 
Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Physics, Stuttgart, Prof. M. Jansen

Castle Ringberg: venue for 27th Annual MSIT meeting: ‘Heterogeneous Multicomponent Equilibria’, 10-16 February 2013
Castle Ringberg: venue for 27th Annual MSIT meeting: ‘Heterogeneous Multicomponent Equilibria’, 10-16 February 2013

The 27th MSIT meeting in February 2013 addressed two main topics:

1. Group work on selected alloy systems to be published in MSI Eureka.

  • Critical evaluation and review of binary systems
  • Critical evaluation of ternary system

2. Sessions devoted to SPP-1473 project