Owing to current difficulties in travelling, the annual APDIC meeting took place online. As is customary, an important item on the Agenda was the ratification of the awards, which had been chosen by the appropriate subcommittees.
The 2020 Industrial award was presented to Alcoa Technical Center, USA, for their use of CALPHAD-based computational tools in the development of innovative foundry alloys with improved corrosion resistance, superior strength and of new lightweight solutions for the automotive and related industries. (Industrial Award).
The 2020 Best Paper award was presented to Ikuo Ohnuma, Shota Shimenouchi, Toshihiro Omori, Kiyohito Ishida and Ryosuke Kainuma for their paper on 'Experimental Determination and Thermodynamic Evaluation of Low-Temperature Phase Equilibria in the Fe-Ni Binary System' published in CALPHAD (Best Paper Award).