The world's leading interactive database for high-quality, evaluated phase diagrams and related constitutional data. New Search Interface, modern functionalities, continuously updated content, multiple material classes.

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Discover MSI Eureka

MSI Eureka is the world's leading interactive database for high-quality, evaluated phase diagrams and related constitutional data. It is created and maintained with the efforts of a large international team MSIT®.

  • the world’s largest source of evaluated phase diagrams, over 4660 systems.
  • largest bibliographic data base on materials constitution, over 522,300 entries related to nearly 79,600 systems.
  • interactive functionalities to visualise and analyse phase diagrams.
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Subscription licenses depend on the size and the type of the subscribing organization / consortium and allow any device within the licensed IP domains to access MSI Eureka, directly or via Virtual Private Networks (VPN).
Opens internal link in current windowSite License Subscription.
MSI Eureka Online Shop has been discontinued in April 2024. Coming soon: we will be introducing a new feature that allows for the direct purchase of individual MSIT documents within MSI Eureka.
In the meantime, if you wish to purchase individual documents, please contact us directly at salesmsiportcom.


Access MSI Eureka is a web interface to the MSI Eureka data bases. This option is availabe for the site-license subscribers of MSI Eureka.

Non-subscribers may profit from having preview of the documents in MSI Eureka Content.