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A new annual seminar on materials chemistry

A new conference series has been announced by the Materials Chemistry Committee of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) in the UK. AToMS2018 (Annual Thermodynamics of Materials Seminar) is the first of what will be an annual event for like minded-materials scientists to meet and discuss developments in the world of Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics of Materials. This year's meeting will be a one-day event, but depending on the outcome, it is hoped that it may stretch to two or three days for future seminars. Billed as something along the lines of 'Calphad UK', topics for discussion include, but are not limited to:

Experimental studies of phase equilibria, thermodynamics and kinetics.
Ab initio (first principles) calculations.
Calphad assessment and database development.
Applications of phase equilibria and Thermodynamics in Materials Science, Chemistry and Geology.

Two members of the MSIT are involved in the organisation of the meeting, and MSI wish them a successful inaugural AToMS seminar.

There is still time to register on the IOM3 Materials Chemistry Website.