We are delighted to share with you the news about MSIT-AFRICA Workshop 2023.
It will be held from 29 May to 2 June, in Ghana.
This is already the 2nd MSIT-AFRICA Workshop.
Organised by
African Research University Alliance (ARUA) Centre of Excellence in Materials, Energy and Nanotechnology.
Hosted by
University of Witwatersrand (Prof. Lesley Cornish)
University of Ghana (Dr. David Dodoo-Arhin).
The organisers expect 30 participants from four institutions in Africa (Universities Ghana, Nairobi (Kenya), the Witwatersrand (South Africa) and Pretoria University (South Africa) in three African countries (Ghana, Kenya and South Africa) with participants from South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Nigeria. The group work on critical evaluation of 6 ternary systems and one binary will last for 5 days, supplemented by online presentations from MSI - Dr. Svitlana Iljenko, Dr. Andy Watson, Dr. Liya Dreval and Dr. Oleksandr Dovbenko. MSI will provide technical and scientific support during this week for the participants of the Workshop. The Workshop is held in the scope and spirit of the Annual MSIT Workshops which regularly take place since 1986. The group work at the MSIT Workshops works in the following way:
small groups of 3-5 scientists write together critical evaluation of data on phase diagrams of a particular system. In the group work there is always a knowledge transfer from the senior scientists experienced in the evaluation work to the younger scientists. The Guidelines for Critical Evaluation you can see here.
We thank Prof. Lesley Cornish for driving this important scientific programme on critical evaluation forward!
And we are looking forward to a fruitful and pleasant cooperation during this week and afterwards.